Author Archives: janine


Is Your Cement Software Provider Really Serving You?

Do you ever feel like your cement software is more of a headache than a help? Sure, you have tools like SAP for managing money, Command Alkon for running production, and IntelliTrans for distribution. But if these systems aren’t in … Read More


Digital Efficiency: Composable Solutions for Cement Producers

Cement production is a complex, precise process, leaving no room for error or chance. We get it. And because of its intricate nature, you have to be cautious about implementing new technology. Any slight deviation could impact your process, jeopardize … Read More


Composable E-Commerce vs Headless E-Commerce: Do You Really Have To Choose?

Alright, let’s dig into the good, the bad, and the ugly of both Composable Commerce and Headless E-commerce. Composable or Headless? Which e-commerce architecture is best for your business? Composable e-commerce offers flexible, interchangeable modules that easily cater to your … Read More


GoBuild360 Cement Ordering Software: The Ultimate Guide

Cement ordering software used to be a tool reserved for global and multi-national brands — brands with global reach, deep pockets, and dedicated IT departments. But not anymore. GoBuild360 cement ordering software makes it possible for cement producers of any … Read More


Refined Customer Experience for Raw Material Suppliers: GoBuild360

In the world of cement supply, customer experience is everything. It’s the difference between a one-time buyer and a loyal customer. But what does a great customer experience look like? It’s simple, efficient, and transparent. That’s where GoBuild360 comes in. … Read More


Digging Deep: The Impact of E-Commerce on the Cement Industry

The cement industry has been doing things the same way for a long time. Phone calls, emails, pen and paper, and most deals are sealed with a handshake. But now that technology is in everyone’s pocket, cement producers are using … Read More


Deepen Your Customer Relationships with Composable Commerce

How well do you know your customers? How frequent are your quality engagements? Your customer tells you their story through every phone call, email, social media comment, or face-to-face interaction – their needs, preferences, pain points, and even unspoken desires. Are … Read More

e-commerce concept

How E-Commerce Powers Up Profits for Construction Suppliers

Think e-commerce and construction don’t mix? Think again. Online construction sales are already a multi-billion-dollar industry (1). A quick Google search will tell you everything you need to know — 1,110,000,000 results for “buy building materials online” with pages and … Read More


How GoBuild360 Cement Ordering Software Improves Your Supply Chain

Imagine if your cement, aggregate, and admixtures — the integral components of highways, high-rises, and construction sites worldwide — flowed through the supply chain without any hiccups. Sounds ideal, right? But anyone in the cement business can tell you how … Read More


GoBuild360: Composable E-Commerce Solutions

Ever wonder how you could sell more products faster without the extra manual data entry and back-and-forth headache? Welcome to GoBuild360 and the world of Composable Commerce. GoBuild360 is a modular sales system perfect for reaching more customers in more … Read More