e-commerce concept

How E-Commerce Powers Up Profits for Construction Suppliers

Think e-commerce and construction don’t mix? Think again. Online construction sales are already a multi-billion-dollar industry (1).

A quick Google search will tell you everything you need to know — 1,110,000,000 results for “buy building materials online” with pages and pages of suppliers offering building materials for sale through their websites and delivery apps.

So you see, e-commerce isn’t new to the construction industry. Not by a long shot.

  • Lower cost of sales,
  • More accurate inventory management,
  • Efficient logistics schedules, and
  • Greater customer satisfaction.

Customers and contractors don’t want to waste their precious time walking the aisles. Not when they can order what they need online.

Are you ready to take advantage?

I’m Ready!

Break Free of Traditional Sales

While the construction industry has integrated technology into nearly every facet of the value chain, the process of buying and selling construction supplies has been stuck in the mud.

Think about it. As a supplier, you’re still doing things the old-fashioned way: juggling phone calls and emails, and some of you still use fax.

How are your customers supposed to compete when they’re wasting so much time sourcing materials?

Traditional procurement processes are slow, inefficient and just don’t cut it in today’s fast-paced world. The extra time it takes to fax an order or wait on an email response might not seem like much, but every minute adds up.

Are you ready to take a leading advantage?

I’m Ready for the Advantage

The E-Commerce Advantage

Competing on price is a losing proposition. There will always be someone willing to sell for less.

Giving your customers what they want, when they want it, faster than your competition?

Now THAT’s a superpower.

Take it from Leroy Merlin:

Leroy Merlin Logo

Sell Supplies? Bet you can sell more online.

With over 300 stores in 13 countries, mega-retailer Leroy Merlin knows a thing or two about online sales.

In fact, in one market segment, the building materials giant saw a 4x increase in sales in only three months (2).

Frédéric Lamy, CEO of Leroy Merlin Romania, explains:

“We have recorded four times more online sales in recent months, and the conversion rate is constantly increasing…”

“… we easily estimate a doubling or even tripling of annual online sales…”

E-Commerce: Helps Suppliers Meet Customer Expectations

People expect an easy experience. The bar is set.

I mean, let’s face it. After surviving the pandemic, we know how much can be accomplished online. And now we expect it.

Gone are the days when customers had the patience for slow responses and complicated ordering processes. They’ve tasted the convenience of digital services, and they’re not going back.

Nowadays, it’s about instant gratification. Click, Quote, Checkout.

Copy of ClickQuoteCheckout green.jpg

Customers want the freedom to browse products, compare prices, and place orders, wherever they are, 24/7.

With e-commerce, you’re not just meeting your customer’s expectations; you’re exceeding them. You’re delivering an ordering experience that’s smooth, fast, and downright easy.

In a world where everyone’s racing to meet customer needs, e-commerce is your turbo boost.

Making The Switch Is Easier Than You Think

Okay, so you get it. E-commerce is the future. But making the switch sounds like a lot of work, right.

Surprise, it’s not.

With the right platform and a bit of guidance, you’ll be riding the e-commerce wave in no time.

Take it one of our earliest customers, Cashbuild.

Construction material retail giant Cashbuild saw immediate ROI and 3x sales in 36 months with GoBuild360.

Cashbuild is another building materials supplier with over 300 stores, and they, too, have seen a massive sales increase since taking their operation online.

Cashbuild corporate banner

Strength in Numbers

Cashbuild’s online sales volume increased immediately after implementing their GoBuild360-powered e-commerce platform, with a 3x sales increase every month of their first 36 months.

“But wait!” you say.

“Won’t my new e-commerce system will rob sales from my brick-and-mortar stores?”

Actually, no. Just the opposite.

Cashbuild’s composable e-commerce system powered by GoBuild360 gives customers have instant access to the store inventory closest to their geographic location.

Not only that, but the convenience of online ordering means customers who would never drive store-to-store to shop are now buying Cashbuild’s inventory and scheduling delivery without ever setting foot in a store.

That’s because shopping online is easy, convenient and saves unnecessary trips — hunting for products from store to store.

And not only that, customers can shop at any one of Cashbuild’s many other locations to find those hard-to-stock items too.

For Cashbuild’s customers, there’s no reason to shop anywhere else.

Ready to Embrace the E-Commerce Revolution?

I’m Ready!

How does e-commerce software function in the construction supplies industry?

Now for the nuts and bolts of it.

E-commerce systems for construction materials work just like any online marketplace.

You can showcase your products on a custom-built e-commerce website or mobile app. The platform hosts every SKU in your store and then some because now you’re not limited to shelf space.

That’s because an online store allows you to sell unlimited products sourced from regional or international distributors and shipped direct-to-consumer.

That means there’s no limit to your inventory.

Customers can compare features, specs, and prices, add items to their cart, pay, and schedule deliveries — all from one simple, easy-to-use platform.

Here’s how the system breaks down:

  • Product Catalog Management: Handles everything from small items to large machinery, supporting millions of SKUs and offering flexible search functionality.
  • Inventory Management: Integrates with your ERP system to provide real-time inventory data.
  • Pricing and Quotation: Manages complex pricing structures for preferred customers, repeat buyers, large orders, specials, and one-off pricing strategies. That gives you, and your customers, total flexibility.
  • Account Management: Enables customers to manage their documents and account details and assign users with custom permissions. That means no more back-and-forth phone calls, emails, and manual tasks for your accounts department.
  • Order Management: All your customer’s orders are in one place—no more sifting through emails, purchase orders, and receipts looking for what they need. Everything’s already at their fingertips, including their saved carts for future reference and purchase.
  • Logistics, Shipping, and Delivery Integrations: Assists in calculating shipping costs, arranging for pick-up, or scheduling delivery. And, of course, your e-commerce platform includes a delivery app with real-time order tracking.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Your GoBuild360-powered platform easily integrates with CRM tools to manage customer relationships and personalize their shopping experiences. This is how you build your sales, and your reputation as a customer service leader.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Your new e-commerce platform comes complete with built-in analytics tools for understanding customer behavior, tracking sales, and monitoring website performance.

Bottom Line?

Your new e-commerce software not only provides a quick and easy shopping experience but also integrates with your other business systems to provide a complete omnichannel experience for your customers.

gobuild360 graphic showing our e-commerce software integrates with your existing systems

It’s easy to see why construction suppliers are embracing e-commerce.

It’s more than a mere trend. It just makes good business sense.

Are you ready to be part of it?

If you’re new to e-commerce, have been thinking about it for a while, or even if you have an existing system that needs an update, give us a shout.

We’d love to give you a hand.

Why E-commerce in the Construction Supplies Industry Will Continue to Grow

With an industry as broad and diverse as construction supplies, e-commerce is a no-brainer. Here’s why:

  • Efficiency: With instant ordering, real-time inventory updates, and simplified sales, e-commerce platforms are a massive step forward from traditional material sales. You’re meeting customer expectations and increasing profits on every sale.
  • Reach: E-commerce means no geographical boundaries. Of course, you can sell more products in your local region, but you can also reach more people in more places just as easily. If your customer needs the items you have in stock, they’ll happily pay for the shipping.
  • 24/7 service: No more ‘business hours.’ Your customers can place orders any time of the day, any day of the week. That means you make sales while you sleep.
  • Data: With e-commerce, you have immediate access to invaluable customer data and sales analytics. You can see what materials are selling and which aren’t. No more waiting for the end of the quarter to plan. You’re on top of sales every step of the way.

E-commerce in the construction industry isn’t just growing; it’s exploding. The potential for greater efficiency, wider reach, and increased profits is too huge to ignore.

How Does E-Commerce Drive Profits for Construction Suppliers?

When you think about e-commerce, you might first picture increased sales from a broader customer base. But that’s just scratching the surface. Delving deeper, you’ll find that the real treasure lies in operational efficiencies and shortened sales cycles – a game-changer for any construction supplier.

Let’s talk about manual entry.

It’s time-consuming, prone to errors, and, let’s be honest, a downright pain. According to a study by HubSpot, sales reps spend 17% of their day on data entry. That’s nearly one day of the work week, every week, spent on a task that could be automated. With e-commerce, those hours can be allocated to revenue-generating activities, like customer acquisition and strategy development.

Now, consider the sales cycle.

In the traditional method, the process of receiving an order, processing it, and finally shipping the materials can take days, even weeks. E-commerce, with its automated ordering and inventory systems, cuts this time down drastically. McKinsey reports that digitizing B2B sales interactions can reduce order-to-delivery time by 50% and cut sales costs by up to 10% (3).


Your E-Commerce System Is A Strategic Business Advantage

The faster you can fulfill an order, the quicker you can move on to the next sale. Not to mention, a shortened sales cycle puts money into your bank account faster, which puts you in control.

Wouldn’t more operating capital give you leverage to make smarter business decisions?

And let’s not forget about the data. With insights into buyer behavior and sales trends, you can make smarter decisions and make them faster than your competitors.

E-commerce isn’t just an alternative to traditional sales; it’s an accelerator for growth and profitability. So the question isn’t whether you can afford to invest in e-commerce, but rather, can you afford not to?

What Makes E-Commerce Cost-Effective for Construction Suppliers?

With e-commerce, construction suppliers can streamline operations, reduce wasted effort, and better manage their inventory. By integrating systems with e-commerce software powered by GoBuild360, you’re making efficient use of resources while reducing your carrying costs.

Harnessing the Power of AI

Artificial Intelligence isn’t just a fancy buzzword; it’s a tool with tangible business benefits, especially in the realm of e-commerce. From chatbots providing 24/7 customer support to predictive analytics helping forecast sales trends, AI can take your e-commerce game to a whole new level.

With AI, you can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your team to focus on strategic activities. Moreover, AI-powered analytics can provide detailed insights into customer behavior, helping you fine-tune your marketing strategies and boost conversion rates.

With AI on your side, you’re not just keeping up with the times, you’re staying one step ahead, lowering your operating costs, and making more sales.

The Green Advantage: E-commerce and Sustainability

The conversation around sustainability has never been louder. And with e-commerce, you have an opportunity to contribute positively.

Personalization: The Key to Customer Loyalty

In an era where customer experience can be a key differentiator, e-commerce provides tools for unparalleled personalization. With data on customer behavior and preferences, you can tailor the shopping experience to each individual user.

For instance, you could offer personalized product recommendations or special offers based on past purchases.

Studies show that 80% of customers are more likely to purchase a product or service from a brand that provides personalized experiences.

By fostering loyalty and increasing customer retention, personalization can significantly boost your profitability. By digitizing order sheets and faxes and eliminating paper and duplicate copies, you can significantly lower your carbon footprint.

Moreover, a sustainable business model isn’t just good for the planet; it’s good for your brand too.

According to a Nielsen survey, 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable goods.

That’s proof that by going green with e-commerce, you’re not just boosting your profits. You’re building a brand that resonates with the values of today’s consumers.

Your Blueprint for E-Commerce Business Success

By now, you’ve seen how e-commerce isn’t merely an addition to your construction supply business.

E-commerce software provides the foundation upon which you can build a more streamlined, efficient, and profitable business.

Why delay the inevitable and risk losing out to competitors already seizing the advantages of online sales? The transformation is easier than you think, and with a new integrated sales and fulfillment platform powered by GoBuild360, you have a partner that understands your industry and your needs.

  • Rise above the constraints of traditional sales.
  • Enhance your customer experience.
  • Optimize your operations.

And do all of this while contributing positively to our planet. E-commerce isn’t just a sales channel, it’s a strategic business decision that defines your future trajectory.

Ready to turn the blueprint of your success into a reality?

Start building the future of your business today.

Make the Right Call

Reach out here. It’s time to revolutionize your business and build something amazing, brick by brick, click by click!

Don’t wait; your future starts now.

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