
Why You Need An Online Ordering System

Nearly every company on the planet offers its customers the convenience of online ordering. Now building material suppliers can too - with a branded eCommerce platform powered by GoBuild360.
Offering your customers a branded online ordering system expands your reach, grows your market share, and increases your profit margins by eliminating the busy work that slows you down. Let’s dig in and discover why you need an online ordering system and what to look for.

We’re living in a fast-paced global economy.

And if you’re not making it easier for your customers to choose you — they’re choosing someone else. 
That’s why we’re always harping on the customer experience. Creating a simple, convenient, value-packed buying experience is critical to driving deeper loyalty and greater customer satisfaction. Study after study confirms it.
Intuitive, easy-to-use, yet powerful eCommerce technology like GoBuild360 simplifies the purchasing process. With an online ordering system powered by GoBuild360, you make it easy for customers and procurement professionals to source and buy what they need directly from you.
With the right solution in place, you’ll see increased sales, reduced costs, and a smooth buying experience that keeps your customers coming back for more.
Discover how an online ordering system can revolutionize your business.
And if you’re ready to fast-track your sales, we’d be happy to show you how.

What are the key elements of an online ordering system?

Quick and simple customer registration.

New customers should be presented with a quick and simple registration process to encourage sign-ups. And your e-commerce solution provider should step in to provide onboarding support.
A GoBuild360-powered e-commerce solution includes customer onboarding, software updates, and full-time customer support. Be sure you’re solution-provider does the same.
Simplify your new user registration process by asking for only essential information, such as:
  • Name
  • Email
  • Company name
  • Phone number, and
  • Billing/shipping address
You should consider providing options for Google or social media log-in and guest checkouts to give users more choices.

What makes an online ordering system easy to navigate?

Well-defined categories and product listings are critical for optimizing your user experience (UX)
Your product catalog is the heart of your online store. Do your customers a favor and make it as simple and user-friendly as possible so they can find the products they need. With your help, customers can make informed decisions and feel good about every purchase.
Essential information for your e-commerce site includes:
  • Detailed product descriptions
  • Use cases, tips, and suggestions
  • Product and material specifications,
  • Promotions and sales, and
  • Up-to-date pricing information
  • Quick search and filtering options.

Clearly defined categories.

Categorize your products clearly and use high-quality images and detailed descriptions to showcase them, their use cases, and their benefits.
A search function is essential for helping customers find what they’re looking for quickly and efficiently.

Advanced search and filtering.

Implement advanced search capabilities that include options to search by keyword, category, or product feature.
Additionally, have filtering options so customers can narrow their search results based on price, ratings, and other relevant criteria.

Customer reviews.

Product reviews and ratings from other customers can significantly influence purchasing decisions.
Enrich your customer’s shopping experience by integrating a review system that allows customers to rate products and share their experiences.
This feedback helps potential customers on their buying journey. And rich, voice-of-customer (VOC) data provides you with valuable insights you can use to improve your product offerings and services.

How do I avoid abandoned carts during the checkout process?

No one likes an abandoned cart!
Be sure your construction material ordering system has an effortless ordering and checkout process.
This feature alone will make customers more likely to complete their purchases.
Implement features like a shopping cart that is easy to access and modify, clear instructions at each step, and a progress indicator to show how close customers are to completing their transactions.
Keep the checkout process simple by consolidating it into as few steps as possible, and coach your customers with helpful videos, chat bubbles, and robust support.

Accommodate buyer preferences.

Every customer has a preferred online payment method. Honor your customer’s preferred payment method, and they’ll honor you with their loyalty.
Various payment options, such as store credit, credit cards, ACH, and even mobile payment solutions, can help cater to a broader customer base.
Modern payment systems are secure and comply with industry-standard security protocols, such as SSL encryption and PCI-DSS compliance, to protect your customers’ sensitive information.
person using laptop computer holding card

Why are order confirmation, delivery options, and tracking so critical?

Keep your customers in the loop.

After placing an order, customers want to know that their purchase has been acknowledged and is on its way.
With an online ordering system powered by GoBuild360, your customers receive instant receipts and confirmation emails with their order details, estimated delivery times, and tracking information.
Providing a way for customers to track their orders through your website or online customer portal further enhances their buying experience.

Deliver satisfaction, one shipment at a time.

Partner with reliable shipping carriers and integrate their services into your online store.
Logistics integrations like this enable you to offer real-time shipping quotes and up-to-the-minute shipment tracking so customers can manage their deliveries more efficiently.
Remember to provide various shipping options, such as standard, expedited, and overnight, to accommodate your customers’ diverse needs.

Transparent return and refund policies.

Clearly outline and communicate return and refund policies to customers, and ensure these are easy to access on your website.
According to a 2015 United Parcel Service (UPS) survey, “88 percent of shoppers review a retailer’s return policy throughout their online shopping experiences, with 66 percent doing so before purchasing.”
Today’s buyers are savvy shoppers, whether they’re buying clothes, shoes, or cement, lumber, and construction supplies.
This surprising statistic implies that returns policies could affect conversion rates and the top line of the online retailer.”

Don’t forget responsive and helpful customer support.

Show your customers you care by providing excellent customer support.
The customer support experience can be the deciding factor for customers when choosing a supplier.
With GoBuild360, you get a support team that is responsive, knowledgeable, and focused on addressing customer concerns in a timely manner.
With GoBuild360, customers can reach you by
  • Email
  • Phone, and
  • Live chat.

GoBuild360: Your scalable online ordering system.

Analytics and Reporting

Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), such as attribution, conversion rates, average order value, and customer acquisition costs, is key to evaluating the success of your online ordering system.
With your new online ordering software powered by GoBuild360, a dedicated customer success team is always available to respond to your customer’s needs and make necessary improvements to your e-commerce store.

Scalable, flexible and fast.

By choosing a branded online ordering system powered by GoBuild360, you can be confident that your e-commerce solution will grow with your business and adapt to changing market demands.
Your GoBuild360 support team is always available to add new products, features, and integrations as needed.

GoBuild360: Providing the best e-commerce experience for your customers

Creating a robust online ordering system for your construction supply business is crucial to keeping up with today’s fast-paced market.
By incorporating these features, you’ll have a solid foundation for your online store and offer a seamless experience to keep customers coming back.
By focusing on user-friendliness, convenience, and excellent customer support, your business will be well-equipped to thrive in the competitive world of e-commerce.

Get in touch with our customer success team today!